Sunday, 13 March 2016

Kick Back Pain To Touch with Quality Back Pain Massages in Newcastle

Back pain really SUCKS!  Here's a great question, how do you Get rid of back pain? Easy. Find a perfect person who can help you!

Back pain is the most common ailment that our bodies develop over time. Many of us are bitten by this painful ailment. With time and age it continues to fester away at us and becomes more and more painful.

There are several pain relieving tablets and medicines available in the market. These medicines offer instant relief from the pain. But the downside of these painkillers is this….they don't last very long.. Once the effect of medicine vanishes, you can start feeling huge pains in your back.

There are a variety of reasons behind back pain. So, while taking treatment it is a must to go through the correct treatment that will kick the back pain permanently in to touch by addressing its root cause.

Massage therapy is one of the best treatments available for curing back pain and is approved all over the world. The Back Pain Massage at Shield Clinic, located in Newcastle, helps you get best treatment from qualified and trained therapists.

Here, they start with finding the root cause behind the pain and accordingly suggest the massage therapies. They offer fast healing with fantastic results. The sport therapists are there to serve you with the best long term healing plan that helps cure the back pain. Several measures and treatments are arranged to make the body kick the back pain to touch. Once the patient is feeling fresh and healthy the team take very step to start a real journey of the life with full health potential.

The Shield Clinic offers the most advanced wellness care. The best Back Pain Massage Newcastle has to offer! This treatment helps to get well and stay well. Here every massage therapy is tailored according to the needs of the patient and depends on the root cause behind the back pain.

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Treatment For Neck Pain in Newcastle

A neck pain is usually not major injury. But, the pain and discomfort that it causes can give you sleepless nights. That is why, it is very important for you to take precautions while doing daily activities in order to keep the pain at a bay. In this blog, we are discussing the activities that can cause neck pain and some remedies to alleviate the pain.

Neck pain can be caused due to the following activities:

  • Sitting in an awkward position for long time, such as hooked over a steering wheel, or holding a phone in the crook of the neck.  
  •  Sleeping in a wrong position
  •  Using too many or too firm a pillow
  • Carrying heavy objects on one side of the body incorrectly
These are the activities that can strain delicate muscles of your neck, which leads to pain and discomfort. If you experience pain in your neck, you should practice the following remedies to get relief from the pain and stiffness. 

Applying ice or cold packs
The cold helps minimise inflammation in the neck, which relaxes the strain. You can apply the ice or cold packs in twenty to thirty minutes intervals every few hours…..don’t use heat, you will be ‘fuelling the fire’

You can also take anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce inflammation and perception of pain. but be warned, taking these and then doing your normal everyday activities WILL lead to more problems in the future. pain is an indicator of a problem, not a nuisance toots you from doing your daily chores.

A gentle massage with essential oils can do miracles. It stimulates blood flow in the neck which furthers relaxes strained tissues. In this way, a gentle massage can clam strained neck muscles.

If you are suffering from a consistent neck pain, it is suggested to approach a wellness clinic offering treatment for neck pain in Newcastle.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

4 Surprising Advantages of Massage Therapy

Most people face unwanted physical stress in their muscles because of their life style. It is a growing problem in many cities, including Newcastle. Most of your muscular stresses are related to back pain and weaknesses caused by prolonged sitting type jobs. Luckily, there is massage therapy that can neutralize the stress and stabilize imbalances developed in muscles due to prolonged sitting.

There are incredible advantages to be gained with the help of regular massage therapy from an experienced therapist.  Whether you require a relaxing moment or reducing stress in muscles to find relief from a long-lasting pain, a therapeutic massage can improve the condition of your muscles and provide you with the utmost relief. These days, so many therapists are offering high-quality massage therapy in Newcastle using modern techniques and tools.

Here are 4 surprising benefits of massage therapy that you can gain if you select the right and experienced professional:

Easing muscle tension:
Massage is a technique that enhances the blood circulation and reduces the stress in muscles. Your Doctor may recommend going for regular massage therapy if you suffer from a case of chronic back pain.

Soothing anxiety and depression:
People who are depressed due to other ailments find that massage therapy is an effective way to eliminate anxiety and depression. A study has revealed that the people who were depressed were happy and relaxed due to regular massage therapy.

Improving sleep:
Therapists firmly believe that the massage therapy enhances sleep relaxation. It has also been an effective technique for those who don’t find comfort when sleeping, due to less tension in the shoulders.

Improving immunity:
Massage therapy does have noteworthy benefits for those who don’t have strong immune system. It is generally helpful for the people with HIV.